Biome Solar Industry Visit

THE IEEE SMU Student Branch hosted an exciting company tour, on the 26th of May 2023, exclusively for SMU students interested in renewable energy. The adventure at Biome Solar was an absolute blast! Biome Solar Industry is a Tunisian Company specializing in the design, production, …

Axe Finance Company Visit

The IEEE SMU Student Branch organized an amazing Company tour at Axe Finance on the 23rd of May 2023. Axe Finance offers ACP, Axe Credit Portal, a powerful end-to-end integrated software for credit automation. The Tour took the IEEE members through the innovative headquarters, highlighting …

Metaverse Tunisian Summit 2.0

The Metaverse Tunisian Summit, or shortly the MTS, is a 3-day national summit focused on emerging technologies, including Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, XR technologies, Blockchain, Gaming, and NFTs. 

The first edition of the MTS was a real masterstroke, bringing together more than 300 participants, and marking …


The event took place on the 1st of November 2023 at SMU. 

Guests from the Tunisia Section were present and shared with us their experiences within IEEE where they unraveled stories of innovation and the boundless possibilities within IEEE. Indeed, they shared with the attendees the …

IEEE Day 2023

On October 8th, 2023, various Tunisian Student Branch clubs from diverse backgrounds converged in a harmonious union of nature’s beauty and technological innovation. Our gathering took place at Bazina Bizerte. Together, we commemorated this special occasion. It was a harmonious blend of innovation and natural …


TryTech, our Engineering Bootcamp For Freshmen and Sophomore students, was an exciting event introducing participants to various engineering fields. Through hands-on workshops and insightful sessions, attendees gained a deeper understanding of Software Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering, and Computer Systems Engineering. Held on September 16th and …

Metaverse Tunisian Summit

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With MetaVerse being Tech’s newest trend and with the biggest tech CEOs talking about how the MetaVerse is the future of the internet, we did not hesitate to join in on this movement. The Metaverse Tunisian Summit is a 3-day conference …

IEEE Day 2022


The SMU and ISI Student Branches of IEEE celebrated IEEE Day on the 12th of October, 2022 at the South Mediterranean University.

We gathered, members of both student branches, to listen to our dear speaker, Ms. Feriel Saied, talk about her experience in IEEE …